The west of Cheltenham has developed since 1945 into a large residential area of over 10,000 houses and more than 20,000 residents. At the West Cheltenham Partnership we offer services activities and opportunities for all local residents. Here are some of our latest activities, feel free to call is if you need more information or support.
Vacancies for Pantry and Cafe Managers can be found here
The refurbished lobby area will soon host the reopened community cafe. If you’d like to apply for the manager post please see the link above. Volunteering opportunities will also be available soon. For more information please contact us here
The West Cheltenham Pantry
The project is gathering speed. To see more details take a look at the dedicated website here;
West Cheltenham Pantry – Supporting Our Community
Resource Centres
The centres at Hesters Way and Springbank offer a wide array of resources for the community including nurseries, doctors surgeries and community spaces for hire
Neighbourhood Plan
The WCP is supporting the Hesters Way Forum in the development of a neighbourhood plan for the ward. For more information take a look at the dedicated website
Hesters Way Community Hub
The newly refurbished lobby at Hesters Way Community Resource Centre will soon become a hub of community activity. Look out for a new community development role in the new year
Springbank Creative Space
The new Springbank Creative Space is now the home of the youth club every Thursday evening and run by workers from the Springbank Community Group. Arts and crafts activities are also in offer form this new fresh space – whatever your age if you want to start an activity just give is a call!
Solar Panels
The WCP are preparing to add to the renewable energy provision at Hesters Way with a large solar array. The project has been partly funded by SWEA through the European Regional Development Fund’s Target 2030 provision.
MUGA Sports Coaching
WCP will be offering sports coaching sessions during the summer holidays during July and August at Oasis . As usual the Bridge Football Academy will providing coaches in these free drop in sessions. Boys and girls aged 8-14 will be welcome in the sessions.
New Play Equipment in Fiddlers Green
Thanks to funding from Enovert and CBC the Hesters Way Forum were able to pay for new equipment in the Fiddlers Green Park. This complements the tree planting (see below) and is part of the masterplan for the park made by the forum.
Tree Planting in Fiddlers Green
Working in partnership with Cheltenham Borough Council, CPRE Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds & Vale Ash Dieback Forum, funds were raised from the Ash Fund, enabling 250 trees to be planted.
On Saturday 20th November 2021, Forum Members, local residents and friends came together to plant a variety of 180 trees, (Rowan, Holly, Oak, Cherry, Acer, Wild Pear, Hawthorn, Silver Birch, Hornbeam and Maple).
The value and overall benefit to residents in having trees, plants and green spaces can not be underestimated, and we welcome this happening in the Golden Valley Cyber Hub Development.