
We have one new vacancies as below.

Please see the job description documents which includes all the information about the vacancies. If you would like to apply for this post please complete the application forms 1 and 2 and the equal opportunities form return to before the closing date shown below.

West Cheltenham Community Development Worker

Purpose of the job
To help implement the vision of the West Cheltenham Partnership by facilitating community development and identifying opportunities and issues in West Cheltenham

To organise, manage and run new activities, events and training particularly at the community centres
To increase involvement of residents in local activities
To recruit and manage volunteers to support activities and events
To liaise with and signpost advice services including benefits, debt, housing, family support, community pantry and debt advice plus mental health services
To plan and manage the related publicity including social media and community engagement
To support the community pantry staff with signposting and membership referrals

Closing date 13th February 2025